Senior Scientists

PD Dr. Dr. Matthias T Wyss


After completing my medical studies in 2001, I got during my MD project fascinated by the complexity of the brain and the various imaging methods visualizing it and stayed in science ever since. My research mainly focuses on the use of various imaging modalities ranging from 2P microscopy up to PET imaging to investigate how energy supply to the brain is organized at different levels and how it changes in pathologic situations. Research allows you to go on a new journey every day!

Matthias Wyss

Related publications


Transcranial Cortex-Wide Imaging of Murine Ischemic Perfusion With Large-Field Multifocal Illumination Microscopy

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Astrocytes adopt a progenitor-like migratory strategy for regeneration in adult brain

Herwerth M, Wyss MTbioRXiv


Leptomeningeal collaterals regulate reperfusion in ischemic stroke

Binder NF, El Amki MNeuron


Transcranial cortex-wide imaging of murine ischemic perfusion with large-field multifocal illumination fluorescence microscopy

Chen ZBiorxiv


The bumpy road of purinergic inhibitors to clinical application in immune-mediated diseases

Wyss MTNeural Regeneration Research


Simultaneous dynamic glucose-enhanced (DGE) MRI and fiber photometry measurements of glucose in the healthy mouse brain

Eleftheriou ANeuroImage

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Axon degeneration: new actor in an old play

Herwerth M, Wyss MTNeural Regeneration Research


Measurement of cerebral oxygen pressure in living mice by two-photon phosphorescence lifetime microscopy

Erlebach ESTAR Protocols


Vascular Response to Spreading Depolarization Predicts Stroke Outcome

Binder NFStroke

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P2R Inhibitors Prevent Antibody‑Mediated Complement Activation in an Animal Model of Neuromyelitis Optica

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A complete pupillometry toolbox for real-time monitoring of locus coeruleus activity in rodents

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Arousal-induced cortical activity triggers lactate release from astrocytes

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Initial Characterization of the SAFIR Prototype PET-MR Scanner

Ritzer CIEEE transactions on radiation and plasma medical sciences


Neutrophils Obstructing Brain Capillaries Are a Major Cause of No-Reflow in Ischemic Stroke

El Amki M, Glueck CCell Reports


DCC Is Required for the Development of Nociceptive Topognosis in Mice and Humans

da Silva RVCell Reports


In vivo evidence for a lactate gradient from astrocytes to neurons

Mächler PCell Metabolism

Design and performance of an ultra-flexible two-photon microscope for in vivo research

Mayrhofer JMBiomedical Optics Express

A probable dual mode of action for both L- and D-lactate neuroprotection in cerebral ischemia

Castillo XJournal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism

NH4(+) triggers the release of astrocytic lactate via mitochondrial pyruvate shunting

Lerchundi RProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Channel-Mediated Lactate Release by K+-Stimulated Astrocytes

Sotelo-Hitschfeld TJournal of Neuroscience

Multimodal Imaging in Rats Reveals Impaired Neurovascular Coupling in Sustained Hypertension

Calcinaghi NStroke

Two-photon microscopy with double-circle trajectories for in vivo cerebral blood flow measurements

Landolt AExperiments in Fluids

Somatotopic Astrocytic Activity in the Somatosensory Cortex

Ghosh AGlia

Deletion of the ageing gene p66Shc reduces early stroke size following ischaemia/reperfusion brain injury

Spescha RDEuropean Heart Journal

Quantification of brain glucose metabolism by FDG PET with real time arterial and image derived input function in mice

Alf MFJournal of Nuclear Medicine

A two-compartment mathematical model of neuroglial metabolism using [1-11C] acetate

Lanz BJournal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism

Metabotropic glutamate receptor mGluR5 is not involved in the early hemodynamic response

Calcinaghi NJournal of Cerebral Blood Flow Metabolism


In vivo evidence for lactate as a neuronal energy source

Wyss MTJournal of Neuroscience

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